Because it is art. Like art it has lines, rhythms and colors, allowing emotions and dreams. And mostly allowing to creatively flow. Or skip. And even skater.
Its colors are many. Ranging in mood from blue to red. And even orange. The colors set the mood. The rhythms set the mood. The lines set the mood. But it's a funny thing about the lines. They never are straight. They wave and walk funny. Its’ lines are fun. Just like art should be.
I said hi to jazz one night in Barcelona last year in Club Jamboree (btw happy 50th anniversary). I remember it was a Catalan, Alex that made jazz sooth, embrace and send me into another world. That night was a breakthrough for me. Now it’s Wednesdays that we go in Mehrspur for meeting it. This is a 10 years old music club where I believe passion for art is instilled and cultivated. And yes, it’s almost every Wednesday now that I allow myself to get carried away.
I had to grow into loving jazz. I had to get to know it by spending time with it. By listening to what it had to say. I had to make it my friend until we finally became lovers. With jazz you won’t get in love, you will slowly fall in love…The primary reason do this it is because it’s the flip side of art, provoking the whole range of emotions while stirring the soul.
Ultimately, like any art, jazz has the ability to provide escape from a sometimes cruel world. And for that reason it is a best friend. And a lover.