Sunday, September 28, 2008
Apuseni... VERDE
Am plecat din Constanta gandindu-ma aproape cu drag la noua metafora pe care nu numai o cultivam, ba chiar incepusem sa o indragesc. Am plecat gandidu-ma la un fragment Hesse pe care o voi si adauga aici pentru a da coerenta gandurilor :
"[...] toti oamenii simt nevoia, dupa cum se pare innascuta si imperativa, de a-si imagina eul lor ca pe un intreg. Chiar daca ideea aceasta fixa le este adesea puternic zdruncinata, ea se reface neincetat. [...] Iar cand unii oameni deosebiti de dotati si cu o structura deosebit de delicata simt incoltandu-le banuiala ca sufletul lor nu e facut dintr-o bucata, cand la fel ca toti oamenii de geniu, isi infrang ideea fixa a personalitatii unitare, simtind ca sunt compusi din mai multe parti, ca un manunchi de mai multe euri, atunci nu este nevoie decat sa exprime acest lucru, pentru ca majoritatea sa ii inchida in ospicii, sa cheme in ajutor stiinta, sa ii numeasca schizofrenici si sa scuteasca omenirea de a mai auzi din gura acestor nefericiti glasul adevarului.[...] Asadar, in momentul in care un om face primul pas, dilatand acea unitate imaginara a eului sau pana la dualitate, omul acesta devine aproape un geniu, sau cel putin este o exceptie rara si interesanta. In realitate insa, nici un eu, nici chiar cel mai naiv nu este unitar, ci este un Univers de o diversitate extraordinara, o mica bolta cereasca presarata cu stele, un haos de trepte si stari, de apucaturi mostenite si de posibilitati. Fiecare individ inclina sa considere ca haosul acesta este o unitate, vorbind despre propriul sau eu ca despre un fenomen simplu, bine inchegat si conturat cu claritate, ceea ce este o iluzie necesara pe care o nutreste in mod curent fiecare om, o necesitate la fel de vitala ca respiratia si hrana"
Mi-am recunoscut ca sunt un om mai putin decat unitar, sunt o mare de substante care se transforma astfel incat indiferent de context sa para ca e UN. M-am intrebat din ce sunt alcatuita, daca ar fi sa dezmembrez fara mila UNUL, ce bucati mari as regasi in el?
Am insa aceasta tendinta ciudata de a-mi sabota descoperirea de sine asadar mi l-am luat la mine nu pe Hesse ci... pe Rushdie cu minunatul "Harun si marea de povesti"...
In Apuseni am invatat sa-mi recunosc expresia propriei identitati, oricat de complexe... M-au ajutat oamenii care aveau ceva in ochi, era acel ceva de la munte, o sclipire de intelepciune si de pace sufleteasca, o comoara pe care o poarta in ei si care eu cred ca se numeste caracter. Imi plac da, valorile pe care muntele le sadeste in om, imi place cum da la o parte aparentele pentru a putea ajunge la esenta... Ma intreb cum este sa te trezesti in fiecare dimineata in fata tuturor acelor nuante de verde - acea frumusete completa in fata careia inima se topeste, bratul cedeaza, spatele se pleaca, omul se opreste... Pe dealul cu melci le-am dat nume nuantelor - Verde Dor, Verde Emotie, Verde Seductie, Verde Prietenie, Verde Adevar, Verde Sinceritate, Verde Umilinta, Verde Inteles, Verde Cunoastere, Verde Iubire.
As vrea ca aceste cuvinte pe care le arunc in aer si le asez intr-un inteles sa poata sa exprime senzatia cand am luat in brate frasinul lui Horea, sa poti sa simt din nou viata aceea imemoriala, sa pot sa ma intorc la inceputul, sa alerg dupa UN si sa-l prind in Verde Adevar.
As vrea sa pot simti de dimineata Verde Dor precum am simtit in fata coltului Eminescu din Muzeul de Istorie Alba-Iulia. "Tara mea de dor..." se repeta printre colturile trecutului si parca ma indemnau sa imi recunosc propriul Verde Dor.
As vrea sa va invit la un ceai de Verde Prietenie, sa facem sandwich-uri impreuna si sa pornim intr-o calatorie spirituala si proaparata precum cea pe care eu si baby Elena am avut-o impreuna.
As vrea sa impartasesc Verdele Inteles de la Lacul Brazi, unde serenitatea canta mai puternic decat ploaia de septembrie.
Verde Umilinta... Sunt fericita!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Raising the level of strategic readiness
This is an interesting article written by Rukmal De Silva from Uleash Talent Inc., Sri Lanka. It's based on the topic of strategic readiness, one of the training subjects developed within the company.
By Rukmal De Silva
Do you remember the funny story that you may have heard at some management training about three types of people in this world. People who make things happen, who wait till things happen and who wonder what happened. Probably you do. That story is all about strategic readiness.
First, it makes sense to define what we mean by strategic readiness. As implied in the enclosed questionnaire, it consists of strategic comprehension and ability to mobilize the formulated strategy.
Understanding who we are and where we stand, where we should go and how we get there is the foundation of strategic comprehension. This is the internal view. On the other hand, when it comes to strategic comprehension, you need to have the antennas out there to be in touch with the reality outside your organization. Third, you need to have humility to take the brutal facts of reality as they are and deal with them. Finally, your processes need to support all this.
The mobilization of strategy calls for engaging others into the process. The sooner this step is taken, the better the outcome. Thus, the best enabler of strategic mobilization is your organizational style or culture. Relating to that, you need to be able to put your ego aside if you want to be strategically ready organization. Your ability to take risks and allow failure comes third.
Finally, your processes – especially finances and leadership at all levels – need to support the strategy mobilization.
Now, even though your organization would score poorly when measuring your current strategic readiness, you don’t have to go instantly firing the top management. Strategic readiness can be developed through practice and acquisition of theoretical knowledge. Note, however, that if you embark on this development process, it needs commitment from more than one person in your organization. In the following we reveal some thoughts to get you started.
Heart and the head
Sadly, many organizations and managers think that they exist first and foremost to make loads of money. After a grand career – or maybe a burnout – they leave the company feeling somewhat empty. Of course money is the top priority of top companies, but it’s not the reason for their existence. It’s rather a positive side product. You need to be clear on what you really love to do, what is that something that makes you tick.
That conviction will open many doors for you and will tune your head to see many aspects of the world which you may have missed.
When that starting point is clear, and the guiding values are agreed on and utilized, it’s so much easier to embark on the journey of focused and strategic action.
To make sure the others are ready to join this journey, the best strategic leaders appeal to people’s hearts as well as their heads. When your organization is able to connect to people on the emotional level and offer a rationale, you have all the chances to succeed.
Indeed, in the old economy it was enough that you deal with the head. The decision would be made only when you had enough numerical proof behind it. Still today it can be claimed that analytical skills are something every strategist should have. However, in today’s information age it’s not anymore enough that you are able to break down complex entities and study them under the microscope. You also need an ability to synthesise: to form something new out of the bits and pieces of information pouring in from every direction.
This managing complexity helps in staying ahead of technological, cultural and market trends. Although information systems can be helpful; it’s the curiosity and skill of people that needs to be harnessed to maintain the organization’s ability to learn. Organization – or at least parts of it – needs to be constantly evaluated, improved, shaken and stirred. Once you have a tight-knit team of people in the strategic leadership of your organization who are able to work together and synthesize new ideas into implementable strategies, you have come a long way from operational management done by individuals.
Yet one of the biggest hurdles you may have to overcome is your own self. Your ego and your emotional attachment to your business could put you in a blind spot. In the face of strategic challenges your humility could bring you greater results.
Gut feeling
Today’s constantly changing business environment calls for agility, even from big corporations. And that agility is reached only if people are empowered to make decisions on their own, within a given framework of guidelines. Similarly, the strategic decisions should not be dwelled on too long, but if something feels right, it might just be right.
Actually this is quite a relief for many people dealing with strategy; you don’t need to be a fortune teller to be a good strategist. Unconscious competence would do. You just need to formulate a catchy and simple strategy that inspires people and gives guidelines for further operational plans and action.
Trusting the gut feeling is much easier when an array of opinions is available. That’s why the strategic leaders gladly welcome people from all rungs of the organizational ladder to join in the process. Though getting decisions done and making corrections to direction later on might sound like a good option, there is one trait in contemporary strategic leadership that especially needs the traditional approach. Ironically that trait deals with the future, not the past.
It’s the possible intentions, actions and reactions of competitors, customers and government authorities that need to be predicted and prepared for. Forgetting this while doing strategic decisions leads to failure in the future, as the data gathered for the decision is taken solely from the reality that existed in the past.
Cause and effect or leapfrogs
We are no longer living in the linear world where, as a rule, effect follows a cause. Customer demands, CEOs, stock values, companies, or even whole industries can change overnight. Look what Internet or mobile technology has done to the way we operate in our daily life, talk with anyone from the airline industry after 9/11, or visit the empty beaches of Mirissa and Unawatuna after the Galle attack to see how some things just cannot be predicted.
That’s why the exemplary strategic leaders are ready to experiment at the face of uncertainty. They always hold a couple of aces up their sleeve just in case the reality deals them a poor hand, and most importantly: They are willing to make short-term sacrifices for long-term benefits. Those organizations that are always ahead of their competition are the ones who are continuously implementing their strategy. And for that they have the necessary dollars and other resources put aside. Last but definitely not least, they maintain a culture that supports experimentation and tolerance for risk-taking and failure in order to be ready to welcome the unexpected positive serendipity.
Strategy is not something that you cannot change once you fix it for the next three years. Rather, it should be understood as a learning process. But do not ever put your ego or your self-interest before the strategy. Be prepared to eat humble pie at least once in a while. Let go of the emotional ties to your idea, your project or your master plan. Set the strategy, implement operations and initiatives that are in line with it, tweak if necessary and at the end of the set time period you can clearly see the path you have walked.
Have a hearty laugh, because more often than not the sights you saw at the road were not exactly what you expected.
However, hold on to your dream! Who cares about an occasional walk astray or even a dead-end, if you have consciously gone where you wanted to go? In the beginning you might have had only dreams of where to go, but a good strategy can be your ever-illuminating torch in the deepest and darkest caves of uncertainty.
To communicate a strategy to others, it needs to be clear and focused. Ensuring that every manager at every level is accountable for contributing to the overall strategy is easier said than done.
When leaders are rolling out enticing campaigns for introducing new strategic initiatives, people might think “it’s just another management fad of the year”.
However, in the best organizations the people know why these initiatives are launched, because they were part of formulating the overall strategy where they derive from.
This way the strategic leadership is spread evenly across the organization and the top management can concentrate on building and sustaining momentum through clear communication and cheerleading.
Dive in
Opportunities are around but they are not thrown at us from heaven. You need to tune your whole organization, not only your MD’s or CEO’s mind. To wrap this all up, try to remember at least these suggestions: Be humble. Put your ego aside. First comprehend. Then analyze and synthesize. Reflect. Do not be afraid to be a destroyer and a creator.
Try what you can learn from cartoons. Decide what you want to become. Even the sloths of today can become the saber tooth tigers of tomorrow!
Think about your organization and rate all the following statements from 1-5 (1 being “completely disagree”, 3 being “agree with hesitance” and 5 “ totally agree ”). Then calculate the sum for both the mobility and comprehension categories. Check from the key below what is your current strategic readiness.
Strategic comprehension Statement
1.We have an understanding of our reason for existence and the that guide the way.
2.We are 100% clear of what we are passionate about.
3.We know how the key stakeholders will react to the emerging trends of the market.
4.We have an absolute and shared understanding of our three year goal and the key strategies to achieve it.
5.We know where we are most vulnerable.
6.Our individuals and teams understand how they can contribute to the strategy formulation and
7.We are all the time aware of the exact current status of the industry and our competitive stance in it.
8.We are staying updated of technological, cultural and market trends in our business.
9. We are aware of the emerging best practices.
10. We know the latest moves of our competitors.
11. Each of our key functional managers takes responsibility of looking up and internalizing new and better practices into their function.
12.When discussing strategic issues, we are not tied in our operational or functional role but maintain a holistic perspective.
13.We do not underestimate our competition.
14.We have a system to share any relevant information we come to know about.
Ability to mobilize strategy Statement
1.We have a proven track record of easily figuring out what to do when we are challenged strategically.
2.In our organization new things are getting done all the time.
3.We have a demonstrated tendency to learn from our mistakes and internalise the learning points to our business model.
4.We do not have to wait till the boss moves first.
5.When required we are comfortable in being spontaneous and irrational within certain limits.
6.We have reserved a separate budget for strategy implementation.
7.Our managers are held accountable to keep the strategies in motion.
8.We use strategic work assignments to engage and train our future leaders.
9.We can implement changes without resistance.
10.Our leadership team is bold enough to address the stickiest issues together.
11.We are willing to keep our egos and attached emotions aside, and carve out even better solutions together.
12.We are even willing do changes with the total business model if required.
13.We are encouraged to experiment.
14.We have the capacity to make short term sacrifices for long term gains.
Mobility 50+, Comprehension 50+
Your organization’s strategic readiness is like that of Diego the saber tooth tiger’s. With your capabilities formulating, communicating, cascading and implementing strategy is easy. Capitalize on your organization’s strategic readiness to get and maintain competitive edge!
Mobility below 50, Comprehension 50+
You are Manny the mammoth of strategic readiness. Your organization’s capability for carving out strategies is high but you are unable to spread the strategy into the organization and get things done based on it. Build on your wit and develop competencies further on the mobilization part.
Mobility 50+, Comprehension below 50
Scrat the squirrel, your organization is moving on dangerous waters… but fast! You’re able to mobilize your organization to carry out new things on an ever-increasing speed. You start a lot of things but usually they are nothing more than management fads with no effect.
The most troublesome is that your managers might even think they are doing a meaningful work, without admitting there’s a problem. Seek help soon to get your act together. Do not allow your organization to be a country club. By stopping for a while to see what’s really important you can even become a tiger!
Mobility below 50, Comprehension below 50
Dear Sid the sloth, your organization has neither the strategic thinking nor the agility in place.
The best decision at the moment is to humbly get someone to help you with the basics of strategy and then get back to the drawing board to practice strategy formulation and implementation. It’s a long hard road, but if you are willing to run an extra mile everything is possible.
By Rukmal De Silva
Do you remember the funny story that you may have heard at some management training about three types of people in this world. People who make things happen, who wait till things happen and who wonder what happened. Probably you do. That story is all about strategic readiness.
First, it makes sense to define what we mean by strategic readiness. As implied in the enclosed questionnaire, it consists of strategic comprehension and ability to mobilize the formulated strategy.
Understanding who we are and where we stand, where we should go and how we get there is the foundation of strategic comprehension. This is the internal view. On the other hand, when it comes to strategic comprehension, you need to have the antennas out there to be in touch with the reality outside your organization. Third, you need to have humility to take the brutal facts of reality as they are and deal with them. Finally, your processes need to support all this.
The mobilization of strategy calls for engaging others into the process. The sooner this step is taken, the better the outcome. Thus, the best enabler of strategic mobilization is your organizational style or culture. Relating to that, you need to be able to put your ego aside if you want to be strategically ready organization. Your ability to take risks and allow failure comes third.
Finally, your processes – especially finances and leadership at all levels – need to support the strategy mobilization.
Now, even though your organization would score poorly when measuring your current strategic readiness, you don’t have to go instantly firing the top management. Strategic readiness can be developed through practice and acquisition of theoretical knowledge. Note, however, that if you embark on this development process, it needs commitment from more than one person in your organization. In the following we reveal some thoughts to get you started.
Heart and the head
Sadly, many organizations and managers think that they exist first and foremost to make loads of money. After a grand career – or maybe a burnout – they leave the company feeling somewhat empty. Of course money is the top priority of top companies, but it’s not the reason for their existence. It’s rather a positive side product. You need to be clear on what you really love to do, what is that something that makes you tick.
That conviction will open many doors for you and will tune your head to see many aspects of the world which you may have missed.
When that starting point is clear, and the guiding values are agreed on and utilized, it’s so much easier to embark on the journey of focused and strategic action.
To make sure the others are ready to join this journey, the best strategic leaders appeal to people’s hearts as well as their heads. When your organization is able to connect to people on the emotional level and offer a rationale, you have all the chances to succeed.
Indeed, in the old economy it was enough that you deal with the head. The decision would be made only when you had enough numerical proof behind it. Still today it can be claimed that analytical skills are something every strategist should have. However, in today’s information age it’s not anymore enough that you are able to break down complex entities and study them under the microscope. You also need an ability to synthesise: to form something new out of the bits and pieces of information pouring in from every direction.
This managing complexity helps in staying ahead of technological, cultural and market trends. Although information systems can be helpful; it’s the curiosity and skill of people that needs to be harnessed to maintain the organization’s ability to learn. Organization – or at least parts of it – needs to be constantly evaluated, improved, shaken and stirred. Once you have a tight-knit team of people in the strategic leadership of your organization who are able to work together and synthesize new ideas into implementable strategies, you have come a long way from operational management done by individuals.
Yet one of the biggest hurdles you may have to overcome is your own self. Your ego and your emotional attachment to your business could put you in a blind spot. In the face of strategic challenges your humility could bring you greater results.
Gut feeling
Today’s constantly changing business environment calls for agility, even from big corporations. And that agility is reached only if people are empowered to make decisions on their own, within a given framework of guidelines. Similarly, the strategic decisions should not be dwelled on too long, but if something feels right, it might just be right.
Actually this is quite a relief for many people dealing with strategy; you don’t need to be a fortune teller to be a good strategist. Unconscious competence would do. You just need to formulate a catchy and simple strategy that inspires people and gives guidelines for further operational plans and action.
Trusting the gut feeling is much easier when an array of opinions is available. That’s why the strategic leaders gladly welcome people from all rungs of the organizational ladder to join in the process. Though getting decisions done and making corrections to direction later on might sound like a good option, there is one trait in contemporary strategic leadership that especially needs the traditional approach. Ironically that trait deals with the future, not the past.
It’s the possible intentions, actions and reactions of competitors, customers and government authorities that need to be predicted and prepared for. Forgetting this while doing strategic decisions leads to failure in the future, as the data gathered for the decision is taken solely from the reality that existed in the past.
Cause and effect or leapfrogs
We are no longer living in the linear world where, as a rule, effect follows a cause. Customer demands, CEOs, stock values, companies, or even whole industries can change overnight. Look what Internet or mobile technology has done to the way we operate in our daily life, talk with anyone from the airline industry after 9/11, or visit the empty beaches of Mirissa and Unawatuna after the Galle attack to see how some things just cannot be predicted.
That’s why the exemplary strategic leaders are ready to experiment at the face of uncertainty. They always hold a couple of aces up their sleeve just in case the reality deals them a poor hand, and most importantly: They are willing to make short-term sacrifices for long-term benefits. Those organizations that are always ahead of their competition are the ones who are continuously implementing their strategy. And for that they have the necessary dollars and other resources put aside. Last but definitely not least, they maintain a culture that supports experimentation and tolerance for risk-taking and failure in order to be ready to welcome the unexpected positive serendipity.
Strategy is not something that you cannot change once you fix it for the next three years. Rather, it should be understood as a learning process. But do not ever put your ego or your self-interest before the strategy. Be prepared to eat humble pie at least once in a while. Let go of the emotional ties to your idea, your project or your master plan. Set the strategy, implement operations and initiatives that are in line with it, tweak if necessary and at the end of the set time period you can clearly see the path you have walked.
Have a hearty laugh, because more often than not the sights you saw at the road were not exactly what you expected.
However, hold on to your dream! Who cares about an occasional walk astray or even a dead-end, if you have consciously gone where you wanted to go? In the beginning you might have had only dreams of where to go, but a good strategy can be your ever-illuminating torch in the deepest and darkest caves of uncertainty.
To communicate a strategy to others, it needs to be clear and focused. Ensuring that every manager at every level is accountable for contributing to the overall strategy is easier said than done.
When leaders are rolling out enticing campaigns for introducing new strategic initiatives, people might think “it’s just another management fad of the year”.
However, in the best organizations the people know why these initiatives are launched, because they were part of formulating the overall strategy where they derive from.
This way the strategic leadership is spread evenly across the organization and the top management can concentrate on building and sustaining momentum through clear communication and cheerleading.
Dive in
Opportunities are around but they are not thrown at us from heaven. You need to tune your whole organization, not only your MD’s or CEO’s mind. To wrap this all up, try to remember at least these suggestions: Be humble. Put your ego aside. First comprehend. Then analyze and synthesize. Reflect. Do not be afraid to be a destroyer and a creator.
Try what you can learn from cartoons. Decide what you want to become. Even the sloths of today can become the saber tooth tigers of tomorrow!
Think about your organization and rate all the following statements from 1-5 (1 being “completely disagree”, 3 being “agree with hesitance” and 5 “ totally agree ”). Then calculate the sum for both the mobility and comprehension categories. Check from the key below what is your current strategic readiness.
Strategic comprehension Statement
1.We have an understanding of our reason for existence and the that guide the way.
2.We are 100% clear of what we are passionate about.
3.We know how the key stakeholders will react to the emerging trends of the market.
4.We have an absolute and shared understanding of our three year goal and the key strategies to achieve it.
5.We know where we are most vulnerable.
6.Our individuals and teams understand how they can contribute to the strategy formulation and
7.We are all the time aware of the exact current status of the industry and our competitive stance in it.
8.We are staying updated of technological, cultural and market trends in our business.
9. We are aware of the emerging best practices.
10. We know the latest moves of our competitors.
11. Each of our key functional managers takes responsibility of looking up and internalizing new and better practices into their function.
12.When discussing strategic issues, we are not tied in our operational or functional role but maintain a holistic perspective.
13.We do not underestimate our competition.
14.We have a system to share any relevant information we come to know about.
Ability to mobilize strategy Statement
1.We have a proven track record of easily figuring out what to do when we are challenged strategically.
2.In our organization new things are getting done all the time.
3.We have a demonstrated tendency to learn from our mistakes and internalise the learning points to our business model.
4.We do not have to wait till the boss moves first.
5.When required we are comfortable in being spontaneous and irrational within certain limits.
6.We have reserved a separate budget for strategy implementation.
7.Our managers are held accountable to keep the strategies in motion.
8.We use strategic work assignments to engage and train our future leaders.
9.We can implement changes without resistance.
10.Our leadership team is bold enough to address the stickiest issues together.
11.We are willing to keep our egos and attached emotions aside, and carve out even better solutions together.
12.We are even willing do changes with the total business model if required.
13.We are encouraged to experiment.
14.We have the capacity to make short term sacrifices for long term gains.
Mobility 50+, Comprehension 50+
Your organization’s strategic readiness is like that of Diego the saber tooth tiger’s. With your capabilities formulating, communicating, cascading and implementing strategy is easy. Capitalize on your organization’s strategic readiness to get and maintain competitive edge!
Mobility below 50, Comprehension 50+
You are Manny the mammoth of strategic readiness. Your organization’s capability for carving out strategies is high but you are unable to spread the strategy into the organization and get things done based on it. Build on your wit and develop competencies further on the mobilization part.
Mobility 50+, Comprehension below 50
Scrat the squirrel, your organization is moving on dangerous waters… but fast! You’re able to mobilize your organization to carry out new things on an ever-increasing speed. You start a lot of things but usually they are nothing more than management fads with no effect.
The most troublesome is that your managers might even think they are doing a meaningful work, without admitting there’s a problem. Seek help soon to get your act together. Do not allow your organization to be a country club. By stopping for a while to see what’s really important you can even become a tiger!
Mobility below 50, Comprehension below 50
Dear Sid the sloth, your organization has neither the strategic thinking nor the agility in place.
The best decision at the moment is to humbly get someone to help you with the basics of strategy and then get back to the drawing board to practice strategy formulation and implementation. It’s a long hard road, but if you are willing to run an extra mile everything is possible.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Own report - interesting :)
Here's a little funny part of myself.. Some things match my own view upon myself, some don't. Nevertheless, I found it an interesting test :)
Your Life Path Number is 5
Your Life Path Number represents the path you should take through life and the talents and skills you have to make your journey a rewarding one.
Your Life Path will be composed of many paths. Change will be a recurring event throughout your life, and you will welcome these changes as gateways to new opportunities and the development of free will. With time you will become a defender of freedom. You will view the world through liberal's eyes, and will most likely champion the causes of the world's underdogs.
Your Life Destiny Number is 7
Your Destiny Number sheds light on those things you must accomplish in your life to be fulfilled.
A 7's destiny is to pursue the truth behind everything and to seek inner-knowledge. This pursuit may often leave you isolated from most of those around you. Indeed, you may seek isolation. Your mission is to uncover wisdom and truth in all its forms. In time, you will be called upon to share your knowledge and wisdom with the rest of us.
Your Soul Number is 8
Your Soul Number describes your deepest desires and dreams and the person you truly want to be.
You inner desire is to lead, to take control of the world around you. Since your talents lend themselves to this desire it is very likely your desires will be fully satisfied.
Your Personality Number is 8
Your Personality Number reveals the "external you"--the personality traits others will know you by.
The 8 Personality is ambitious, influential and powerful. They radiate strength to the point of seeming larger than life. 8 Personalities are destined to lead others. They are balanced and slightly conservative. Their confidence assures others will have confidence in them as well.
Your Maturity Number is 3
Your Maturity Number reveals the person you will come to be--your true self.
In your earlier years you will spend much time bringing your creative talents and ability to bring the best in others to the forefront. You will learn to put the color and thrill into yours and the lives of those around you. In your later years you will be surrounded by loyal friends and have ample time to explore your creative talents.
Your Balance Number is 7
As long as your life is on an even or uplifting keel balance numbers are relatively dormant. However, in those times when your life is out of order your Balance Number can become central to resolving the turmoil you are experiencing. Your Balance Number reflects the traits you need to bring to the forefront in order the get through difficult periods with the least amount of damage or time wasted on negative influences.
A 7 Balance Number indicates you may have a tendency to hide from your problems and address them with too much of your emotional self. During times of trouble you need to act rationally and be prepared to deal with events as they unfold. Stressful times are certainly not good moments for you to withdraw from the world. To do so will only make things worse.
Your Life Path Number is 5
Your Life Path Number represents the path you should take through life and the talents and skills you have to make your journey a rewarding one.
Your Life Path will be composed of many paths. Change will be a recurring event throughout your life, and you will welcome these changes as gateways to new opportunities and the development of free will. With time you will become a defender of freedom. You will view the world through liberal's eyes, and will most likely champion the causes of the world's underdogs.
Your Life Destiny Number is 7
Your Destiny Number sheds light on those things you must accomplish in your life to be fulfilled.
A 7's destiny is to pursue the truth behind everything and to seek inner-knowledge. This pursuit may often leave you isolated from most of those around you. Indeed, you may seek isolation. Your mission is to uncover wisdom and truth in all its forms. In time, you will be called upon to share your knowledge and wisdom with the rest of us.
Your Soul Number is 8
Your Soul Number describes your deepest desires and dreams and the person you truly want to be.
You inner desire is to lead, to take control of the world around you. Since your talents lend themselves to this desire it is very likely your desires will be fully satisfied.
Your Personality Number is 8
Your Personality Number reveals the "external you"--the personality traits others will know you by.
The 8 Personality is ambitious, influential and powerful. They radiate strength to the point of seeming larger than life. 8 Personalities are destined to lead others. They are balanced and slightly conservative. Their confidence assures others will have confidence in them as well.
Your Maturity Number is 3
Your Maturity Number reveals the person you will come to be--your true self.
In your earlier years you will spend much time bringing your creative talents and ability to bring the best in others to the forefront. You will learn to put the color and thrill into yours and the lives of those around you. In your later years you will be surrounded by loyal friends and have ample time to explore your creative talents.
Your Balance Number is 7
As long as your life is on an even or uplifting keel balance numbers are relatively dormant. However, in those times when your life is out of order your Balance Number can become central to resolving the turmoil you are experiencing. Your Balance Number reflects the traits you need to bring to the forefront in order the get through difficult periods with the least amount of damage or time wasted on negative influences.
A 7 Balance Number indicates you may have a tendency to hide from your problems and address them with too much of your emotional self. During times of trouble you need to act rationally and be prepared to deal with events as they unfold. Stressful times are certainly not good moments for you to withdraw from the world. To do so will only make things worse.
Vara aceasta
Buna seara Raluca,
Cu siguranta acesta este o modalitate impardonabila de raspunde unei promisiuni de a scrie - dupa aproape trei saptamani... Instinctiv incerc sa gasesc o ratiune pentru care ma schimb si imi vine in minte imaginea unui fel de unchi de-al meu care locuia la Hunedoara si care ne scria mie si familiei mele cu regularitate - de 4 ori pe ani. Cu un miros de hartie veche si un scris care ma facea sa ma gandesc la vechii scribi, toate scrisorile lui sunau la fel - lipsite de culoare si pierdute intr-o epoca care se incheia luand cu ea si ultimii reprezentanti ai unei vieti burgheze cuminti si asezate.
Asadar, draga Raluca, mailul este asadar o scrisoare aproape "burgheza", exercitii de mult uitate in lumea in care traiesc acum si care desi old-fashioned, continui sa le cultiv intr-un spirit de respect pentru cine putem fii...
Astazi s-a intamplat ceva - niciun eveniment deosebit, decat o limonada la pranz cu niste prieteni pe o terasa. Sa fie probabil un sentiment cald de prietenie care m-a facut sa ma gandesc la oameni pe care i-am cunoscut along the way....
Si aceasta fermecata limonada cred ca a mai avut cel putin inca un efect - acela de a ma trezi prin gustul ei acrisor dintr-o stare in care intrasem si care aproape ma speria... o singuratate inexplicabila pentru ca toate zilele si serile mele sunt pline de atatia oameni frumosi....
A mai trecut vara si ma intreb ce s-a intamplat? Cum a trecut asa repede? Si uite cum acum in timp ce scriu imi tot zboara gandurile la the lovely Cardigans...
" Oh with the sun in my eyes
Surprise, I'm living a life..."
Cam asa a fost vara aceasta. Am trait si am invatat... Am invatat ca viata fara evenimente este frumoasa intr-o varianta clasica si plina de eleganta... Recunosc ca stiam de cand eram mica de "carpe diem" insa cum de avem cateodata nevoie de 23 de ani ca sa ajungem la aceasta concluzie, e o intrebare care ma pune in dificultate.
Asadar, imi permit in fiecare dimineata calda sa deschid fereastra cu o cafea tare alaturi, deschid larg geamul care imi deschide vederii un nuc de-o seama cu mine ce traieste in fata ferestrei mele de la etajul 2 si cu sunete de Vivaldi primite in dar de Craciunul trecut, simt si traiesc parca un moment de referinta al vietii mele :)
Alteori ma simt precum faimosul personaj al lui Hesse, un lup de stepa... Cu aceeasi tinuta inalta, putin aplecata in fata trec prin contexte in care ma simt complet neintegrata. Niciodata nu am fost o persoana superficiala insa acum e ca si cum as cobori in mine o scara din ce in ce mai repede pana cand nu o sa se mai zareasca nimic. Noroc ca telefonul suna in fiecare dupa-amiaza trezindu-ma din mizantropie si ma cheama cu prietenie la cate un pahar de vorba si reverie constructiva...
Vine toamna, doar ea mai ma face sa ma gandesc la trecut, un muzeu sui generis plin de culoare, sunete, muzica si linie... Imi amintesc ca acum 4 ani incepeam Facultatea si un nou capitol din viata mea. Cred ca acum a venit intr-un final timpul sa incep sa scriu si altul. Poate scrisorile din seara asta dedicate celor multi oameni deosebiti pe care i-am cunsocut sa fie un fel de prefata de capitol.
Scrie-mi Raluca despre tine...intr-o dupa-amiaza visatoare, intr-o dupa-amiaza Debussy. Si ai grija de tine.
Cu drag,
Cu siguranta acesta este o modalitate impardonabila de raspunde unei promisiuni de a scrie - dupa aproape trei saptamani... Instinctiv incerc sa gasesc o ratiune pentru care ma schimb si imi vine in minte imaginea unui fel de unchi de-al meu care locuia la Hunedoara si care ne scria mie si familiei mele cu regularitate - de 4 ori pe ani. Cu un miros de hartie veche si un scris care ma facea sa ma gandesc la vechii scribi, toate scrisorile lui sunau la fel - lipsite de culoare si pierdute intr-o epoca care se incheia luand cu ea si ultimii reprezentanti ai unei vieti burgheze cuminti si asezate.
Asadar, draga Raluca, mailul este asadar o scrisoare aproape "burgheza", exercitii de mult uitate in lumea in care traiesc acum si care desi old-fashioned, continui sa le cultiv intr-un spirit de respect pentru cine putem fii...
Astazi s-a intamplat ceva - niciun eveniment deosebit, decat o limonada la pranz cu niste prieteni pe o terasa. Sa fie probabil un sentiment cald de prietenie care m-a facut sa ma gandesc la oameni pe care i-am cunoscut along the way....
Si aceasta fermecata limonada cred ca a mai avut cel putin inca un efect - acela de a ma trezi prin gustul ei acrisor dintr-o stare in care intrasem si care aproape ma speria... o singuratate inexplicabila pentru ca toate zilele si serile mele sunt pline de atatia oameni frumosi....
A mai trecut vara si ma intreb ce s-a intamplat? Cum a trecut asa repede? Si uite cum acum in timp ce scriu imi tot zboara gandurile la the lovely Cardigans...
" Oh with the sun in my eyes
Surprise, I'm living a life..."
Cam asa a fost vara aceasta. Am trait si am invatat... Am invatat ca viata fara evenimente este frumoasa intr-o varianta clasica si plina de eleganta... Recunosc ca stiam de cand eram mica de "carpe diem" insa cum de avem cateodata nevoie de 23 de ani ca sa ajungem la aceasta concluzie, e o intrebare care ma pune in dificultate.
Asadar, imi permit in fiecare dimineata calda sa deschid fereastra cu o cafea tare alaturi, deschid larg geamul care imi deschide vederii un nuc de-o seama cu mine ce traieste in fata ferestrei mele de la etajul 2 si cu sunete de Vivaldi primite in dar de Craciunul trecut, simt si traiesc parca un moment de referinta al vietii mele :)
Alteori ma simt precum faimosul personaj al lui Hesse, un lup de stepa... Cu aceeasi tinuta inalta, putin aplecata in fata trec prin contexte in care ma simt complet neintegrata. Niciodata nu am fost o persoana superficiala insa acum e ca si cum as cobori in mine o scara din ce in ce mai repede pana cand nu o sa se mai zareasca nimic. Noroc ca telefonul suna in fiecare dupa-amiaza trezindu-ma din mizantropie si ma cheama cu prietenie la cate un pahar de vorba si reverie constructiva...
Vine toamna, doar ea mai ma face sa ma gandesc la trecut, un muzeu sui generis plin de culoare, sunete, muzica si linie... Imi amintesc ca acum 4 ani incepeam Facultatea si un nou capitol din viata mea. Cred ca acum a venit intr-un final timpul sa incep sa scriu si altul. Poate scrisorile din seara asta dedicate celor multi oameni deosebiti pe care i-am cunsocut sa fie un fel de prefata de capitol.
Scrie-mi Raluca despre tine...intr-o dupa-amiaza visatoare, intr-o dupa-amiaza Debussy. Si ai grija de tine.
Cu drag,
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