Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Life is wonderful… when is purposeful

After being phisically and mentally engaged in a 3 months self-discovery process, I finally found a part of my core ego... As so it is...


I fell I'm a simple, big hearted person. I deal with challenges each day and I'm learning by doing while enjoying the moment. I always seek and enjoy diversity as I feel it creates positive synergy for me and for the ones around me.


My core professional trajectory and my everyday actions are enabling sustainable impact in the society.


¯ Tenacity

¯ Humility

¯ Integrity

¯ Courage

¯ Innovation


¯ I'm staying in contexts of this world that need me.

¯ Every context I'm in, has within it all that I wish to create.

¯ In every experience I raise up the standard of being a human.

¯ I'm contributing to positive change by leading the process.

¯ As a leader, I'm combining perseverance with humbleness.

¯ Eu nu strivesc corola de minuni a lumii....

Petite Fleur Vali...

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