Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Life is wonderful… when is purposeful

After being phisically and mentally engaged in a 3 months self-discovery process, I finally found a part of my core ego... As so it is...


I fell I'm a simple, big hearted person. I deal with challenges each day and I'm learning by doing while enjoying the moment. I always seek and enjoy diversity as I feel it creates positive synergy for me and for the ones around me.


My core professional trajectory and my everyday actions are enabling sustainable impact in the society.


¯ Tenacity

¯ Humility

¯ Integrity

¯ Courage

¯ Innovation


¯ I'm staying in contexts of this world that need me.

¯ Every context I'm in, has within it all that I wish to create.

¯ In every experience I raise up the standard of being a human.

¯ I'm contributing to positive change by leading the process.

¯ As a leader, I'm combining perseverance with humbleness.

¯ Eu nu strivesc corola de minuni a lumii....

Petite Fleur Vali...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Let's watch the flowers grow...

Ma petite jolie :)

Multumesc pentru TN. Should i look on it for me? :)

Bucuresti este din ce in ce mai greu de suportat ...but you know what i think everything is going to be just the same if a porpose will miss from the activity...astfle ca ma petite jolie eu caut in mine acum...anul asta poate sa fe un an pierdut pt mine sau poate sa fie unul castigat .....ma revolt in mine :) e neobisnuit pt mine care sunt/eram mai pacifista dar ma revolt.baby ti-as scrie asa de multe dar nu stiu cuvintele, nu stiu ideile nu stiu. ....am inceput un curs cu un pf deosebit. I will tell you more.

Baby, azi ma gandeam la tine in capul meu si daca ar fi sa iti zic ceva acum in prag de cautari de traineeship asta ar fi: roaga-te sa gaseti locul tau, parcela ta unde sa pui floricica Vali. Roaga-te sa primesti raspunsul si sa il auzi, sa fii dincolo de stiinta ca poti alege singura, sa stii ca vine de dincolo de tine...caci altfel orice... se va destrama: mai repede sau mai tarziu.

O saptamana luminita intr-o vie constiinta de tine,